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Turn about is fair play

A couple of years ago on my birthday, I received a flood of email messages wishing me the best on my day. It was astonishing. I heard from all sorts of people, old friends and new, many of whom I never imagined knew it was my birthday. I was surprised, I was flattered. I didn’t think anyone had been paying that close attention.

Well, they weren’t, actually. Dave had thrown me a virtual birthday party by giving everyone we knew the heads up that morning and asking them to send me a note. Did that cheapen it? Maybe, but it was still really fun to get all those good vibes.

Today is Dave’s birthday so if you see this post, please send him your best wishes at dave @

10 Years

Ten years ago today I had surgery for ductal carcinoma in situ, which is really just fancy talk for a tiny little bit of cancer. I’m still not sure I know what that means, but I’ve been in pretty good shape for 10 years now so I guess it wasn’t so bad. Sometimes I think like I’m a real sissy to even think it was anything like an ordeal.

It’s funny to remember now, but at the time, I developed an irrational attachment to the surgeon. He was probably in his mid-60s, but he was my new best friend. I found it very hard to be separated from him. It was almost a relief to develop some minor complications that required a visit to the ER where he happened to be on call.

Then I had daily radiation treatment for 6 weeks and became irrationally attached to the technicians who administered it. It must be some kind of medical version of “Stockholm Syndrome.”

Anyway, here I am 10 years later. My life is radically different, and I think the experience of cancer, surgery and the aftermath has a lot to do with where and who I am now.