All posts by Helen C

Monarch butterflies

Is it just me or are there more Monarch butterflies out and about this year than ever before? I noticed them when we were in Quebec City, and after we came home there seemed to be a lot of them flitting around everywhere I went.

Yesterday we were sitting outside at a friend’s house, enjoying the end of a perfect summer day when a butterfly alighted on Dave three times.

Dave was wearing a red shirt and cap so in the twilight, the butterfly could be excused for thinking he had found one honking huge flower, but it was very odd when he landed on Dave’s mustache and perched there for a couple of minutes. Kind of creepy, don’t you think?

I have been tracking the Monarch butterfly migratory progress on the Journey North web site. As of this morning, it looks like they are about a third of the way back to their home in Mexico. I’m afraid the one we saw last night might not make it.


Jed and Dave worked overtime on the deck this Saturday and now it is done. Wow!

The holiday weekend is over. Here we go, headlong into September. I know it officially started on Friday, but it really starts tomorrow when we go back to work. I’m not sure I’m ready for it, but at least it will be a short week.